Related Cochrane Entities

We are part of Cochrane Abdomen and Endocrine.

There are possible areas of mutual interest with other Cochrane Gastrointestinal Groups - Cochrane Hepato-Biliary and Cochrane Colorectal.

Other Cochrane Review Groups (CRGs) which share a potential common interest include those which address interventions which may have an effect on the upper gastrointestinal system (for example, NSAIDs in musculoskeletal problems). Every attempt will be made to ensure that duplication of work does not occur and that support is given to other CRGs who wish to take responsibility for review topics where there is mutual interest. In particular, we would aim to support CRGs by suggesting peer referees and by searching our specialised register for appropriate trials. All interventions (surgical, pharmacological, educational, psychological etc.) for prevention, treatment (acute and maintenance) and rehabilitation will be covered.