Co-Publication of Gut Reviews


Cochrane reviews may be published (co-published) in peer-reviewed healthcare journals other than the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR). An essential condition of co-publication is that Cochrane reviews must remain free for dissemination in any and all media, without restriction from any of them. To ensure this, Cochrane authors grant the Collaboration worldwide licences for these activities, and do not sign over exclusive copyright to any journal or other publisher.

Authors are strongly discouraged from publishing Cochrane reviews in journals before they are ready for publication in CDSR. However, journals will sometimes insist that the publication of the review in CDSR should not precede publication in print. When this is the case, authors should submit a review for publication in the journal after agreement from their CRG editor and before publication in CDSR.

Please see: for further instructions on how to pursue co-publication of a Cochrane Review.

A full list of journals with existing co-publication arrangements can be found at:

If you are interested in pursuing co-publication of your review, you must first contact the editorial base of Cochrane Gut to seek approval.