Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We have tried to list the most frequently asked questions below.  However, if you don't find the answer to your question here, or in another section of our website please send your question to the Managing Editor, Teo Quay, or the Information Specialist, Cathy (Yuhong) Yuan.

Can I do a Cochrane Review on my own?

No. Cochrane reviews are produced by teams of two or more authors to ensure that at least two authors independently assess studies for inclusion and extract the data.  You may wish to read section 3.2.4 of the Cochrane policy manual titled "What does Cochrane expect of authors, and what can authors expect of Cochrane?" for a better idea of what will be expected.

My protocol is in the editorial process, may I start on my review now?

During the editorial process the editor may recommend that you make changes to your protocol as a result of referee comments.  For this reason we do not recommend starting work on your review until the final version of your protocol has been approved and released for publication.

I've forgotten my Cochrane Account login or password - what do I do now?

Please go to the Cochrane Account login page then click on 'Reset password' under 'Forgot your password?' and follow the instructions.

A study meets the inclusion criteria for my review but does not report on the outcomes I'm interested in, should it be included or excluded?

The study should be included in your review (but will not contribute any data to your review).  Eligibility for trial inclusion should be based on the prespecified criteria (participants, interventions, comparison) from your published protocol.

Should a trial be included in a review if there are reported data of interest to the topic under review but the intervention was not specifically aimed at the main outcome of the review?

Although it is better to be inclusive rather than exclusive, as a general rule, review topics should not be driven by an outcome. The scope of our reviews needs to be demarcated by a focussed description of the intervention. However, there may be reviews where this decision would not be sensible, in which case this will be identified and discussed with the Editor during the title registration stage.

May I include non-randomised studies in my intervention review?

While it is possible to include non-randomised studies (NRS) in Cochrane reviews of interventions, we do not encourage this. It requires a very experienced review team to conduct such a review properly, especially with regards to assessment of risk of bias and, even more so, with regards to the interpretation of the results and the strength of evidence.  Further guidance on including NRS in Cochrane reviews is given in Chapter 24 of the Cochrane Handbook.

My review is being managed in Editorial Manager. How do I submit for editorial approval?

Full instructions for authors, including step-by-step guidance on submitting your review to Editorial Manager is available here

How do I submit my Conflict of Interest disclosures?

Instructions on submitting disclosures in Convey (for reviews managed in Editorial Manager) are available here. Instructions on submitting disclosures in Archie are available here.

How do I find out if my team complies with the new Conflict of Interest policy?

Any work that commenced after October 2020 (including updates) must comply with the new policy to be published in the CDSR. The CoI portal contains resources for authors on the new policy and instructions on making disclosures (including a helpful quick guide). If work is already in progress and you have any doubts, please contact the Managing Editor.

I want to use the new Risk of bias 2 tool (RoB 2). Where should I start?

We recommend visiting the Cochrane Methods site to get an introduction to the tool and what is involved. You can then contact the Managing Editor for support.

How do I edit my review using RevMan Web?

We recommend viewing the quickstart guide for authors and visiting the RMW Knowledge Base to learn the basics.

How can I provide feedback about a Cochrane review?

Go to The Cochrane Library and find the review you wish to provide feedback about.  In the left-hand window scroll down and click on the phrase 'Submit Feedback'.  This will open a Feedback window for you to complete.